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NFPA-1901 & ULC s1515-13 compliant Prismatic technology




Is your department still debating whether or not to up-grade your present apparatus to the new standards? Up till now there were some reasons why “not to”, but now, no department considers chevrons to be a luxury. They prevent accidents! Chevrons are the most cost efficient feature to enhance driver and responder safety. The biggest problem now is: BUDGET!

No one debates the effectiveness of chevrons!!

Which apparatus is safer on a dark high-speed road?

Not sure what the standards are? HOW TO FOLLOW NFPA-1901 & ULC S515-13 STANDARDS

Please consider:

  • Increased visibility means increased SAFETY, especially when “worst-case” interventions take place: on roads with high speed traffic; at night; around bends; and above all, when the weather is poor.

  • You have already added strobes & maybe expensive flashing arrows. You deploy cones and road torches and you are still apprehensive of oncoming drivers??? Why? Because you KNOW they often don’t see you, sometimes for no other reason than being completely distracted.

  • Give drivers an “extra long-distance” warning by installing micro prismatic chevrons and reduce your chances of being hit!

  • “Unmarked” checker plate is the least visible of any rear finish and is basically invisible to oncoming traffic.

  • Chevrons are yourthe most cost-efficient method to significantly increase your visibility.

  • Do you say “I’ll put it in next years’ budget” without knowing the actual cost to budget?

  • Ask Securitrim for a free quote, broken down by apparatus. Just send us rear photos and approximate dimensions. Volume rebates when you RETROFIT four or more apparatus!

  • It can cost as low as $300 for chevrons when retrofitting an apparatus.

  • Maybe you can “sneak in” a truck or two on the money you have leftover in this budget? Or maybe in the “mechanical” budget, or the “new safety feature” budget? You know how to swing things to at least get your first response vehicle or your blocker safer with chevrons.

If your newer vehicles already have chevrons, it is logical to determine WHICH PRODUCT and WHICH COLOR you already have in order to standardize your fleets’ appearance. Securitrim can provide you the exact same material since we supply many OEM’S.

James Grant, Chief Edwardsburgh/Cardinal said:

In March we had a major 49 vehicle pileup on the eastbound lane of 401 in our area. Many of the personal from the different responding EMS areas were asking where and how we got the work done. The accident happened in a white-out but as it got darker later on in the evening you could see our units quite visibly especially with headlights of other vehicles shinning on them. Our firefighters are quite pleased with the end product and are quick to say they are glad of the extra protection out on the highways and at structure fire calls.

These trucks are not just “compliant”. They are safer…for oncoming motorists and for your responders!

Combining 6 inch full roll chevrons with CHEK.R.POINTS over Diamond Checker plate



This is the time to be sure you exploit your budget to the limit to be visible. Visibility means safety and if you write your spec knows the advantages of prismatic reflective technology when ordering new apparatus, the difference in overall cost will be negligible.

1. Insist on “prismatic” lateral striping.

The normal “spec” is the 50 year-old glass bead technology for the 4 inch striping. HOWEVER, new micro prismatic technology can cost as low as 20 cents per linear foot MORE….that may be $7 for the side of a truck! It costs basically “nothing” to increase your lateral visibility to the same level as your rear chevrons, and you know how bright they are! Chevrons are rarely made of the “old” glass bead sheeting. Why not match your lateral striping with your rear striping and make your “blocker” visible from thousands instead of hundreds of feet?

Lateral striping using microprismatic Reflexite
Lateral striping using microprismatic Reflexite

2. Insist on “prismatic” crests, unit numbers and department identification.

These “accessories” are like a neck tie on a $1000 Italian suit! You don’t go and purchase a neck tie to match at a Dollar Store. So why do you still tell your graphics installer to use the old technology. All crests and logos and department ID’s can be made using the newer technology that will reflect up to 8X brighter.

Crest printed over Reflexite
Crest printed over Reflexite


  1. I want to go “all out” and do something special to exploit the safety feature of prismatic sheeting? HOW TO MAXIMIZE SAFETY IN SPECIAL APPLICATIONS WITH PRISMATIC SHEETING? EMERGENCY VEHICLE GRAPHICS

  2. Most Fire Apparatus OEM’S are using both 3M 983 and Reflexite EMS sheeting for chevrons. Not sure if one or the other is best for my RETROFIT applications? HOW TO DETERMINE IF 3M 983 OR REFLEXITE EMS IS BEST FOR MY APPLICATION?

  3. Not sure where to start to see if I have enough “spare money” for a truck or two? I have no idea of the real cost? And my local installer has “never done chevrons” and is apprehensive about quoting me? It’s easy to find out. HOW TO CALCULATE AND INSTALL CHEVRONS ON SMOOTH METAL?

  4. My local installer says the glass-bead sheeting is “just as good” as prismatic, and much easier to install? And it “all reflects the same” HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE ADVANTAGES OF PRISMATIC OVER “STANDARD” GLASS BEAD SHEETING?

  5. My local installer is hesitant about attempting to install micro-prismatic chevrons over my roll-up doors? HOW TO INSTALL CHEVRONS OVER A ROLL-UP DOOR?



Securitrim has OEM pricing for 3M, Reflexite and Avery products for visual identification and chevrons on all emergency vehicles.

Call for quotes and special lengths and widths.


Do you have several chevron panels of the same size and color to do?



  • Using 3M Diamond Grade and REFLEXITE DAYBRIGH

Switch from red/white conspicuity tape to solid colors.

Instead of using red/white conspicuity tape for sides, rear bumpers and roll out trays and bins, consider using the same product but in all white, or all red, or all fluorescent lime or yellow or even a chevron pattern? Get away from the Red/White tape that was really designed for trucks and trailers, not for emergency vehicles.

Compare DOT red/white with “all white”

1, 2 and 3 inch widths available

Conspicuity inside door chevrons customized with personalized ID



Upon receiving the appropriate computer files, we can guide your clients through the procedure for ordering a customized production.

1. Unit numbers, City ID, vehicle identification, crests and logos all available now in high intensity conspicuity grade V-98 sheeting.

Printing over Reflexite

2. New high intensity conspicuity grade chevron material for lateral stripes or doors can increase visibility up to 8X that of glass bead reflective sheeting.

CHEK R Points inside doors
CHEK R Points inside doors
Safer at night
Safer at night


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