To calculate the number of linear feet of 6 inch chevron sheeting:
Determine the number of square feet to be covered. (example: 40 sq ft)
Multiply by 2. (40 x 2 is 80 linear ft of 6 inch material)
The linear footage is the total of both colors, so if chevrons are about equal length, you need 40 linear ft of red and 40 of the secondary color.
Most installers add 10% extra for angular cuts and waste.
All surfaces should be very clean. Remove all previously installed decals & striping. (see section below on “removing decals”) There are products available to ensure any residue is removed. Before installation, it is advised to spray a mixture of 1/3 Isopropyl Alcohol and 2/3 water over the surface and wipe dry (do not let it evaporate).
The chevron pattern must be an INVERTED “V”, (minimum coverage is 50%) with the top of the point centered and sloping down to left and right extremities at a 45 degree angle.
The chevrons must be 6 inch wide, with two alternating colors. NFPA (red & yellow or fluorescent lime) ULC (no specific color)
To economize material, the installer can work with two lengths of each color, one for 45 degree left cuts and one for 45 degree right cuts. Each successive stripe follows the preceding cut.
Do not “overlap” individual stripes at “joints”, unless you cut through both to make the joint. All stripes can be simply “butted” to the adjacent stripe.
Do not force conspicuity grade sheeting (Reflexite and 3M 983) into compound bends, such as door handle recesses or body bends. It has a “memory” and will eventually rebound to its original position. Simply trim all material at least 1/8 inch or more before any edge or bend. This will not be visible at night when the product reflects.
Recommended installations
Installations NOT recommended
Do not apply over existing lettering (thickness of the original vinyl will eventually show through).
Do not install over rivets, bolts, screws or any other elevated surface. Prismatic sheeting will “tent” up. Cut out around (or remove & replace screws).
Recommended installations
Never heat prismatic sheeting to make it more flexible since the alignment of the prisms will be changed and they will not reflect as effectively!
REFLEXITE: (closed cell construction) Can be applied wet.

Fluorescent lime, blue, white, red, yellow
Reflexite V-92/V-97/V-98
3M series 983: (open cell construction) NEVER USE WET METHOD for installation. Edges/ends must be sealed if cuts are made (1/2 inch clear edge sealing tape, or liquid sealer like Cutex).

Fluorescent lime, white, fluorescent yellow, red, yellow
3M 983

Heat the vinyl with a “heat-gun” (don’t overheat the paint!) and scrape with a plastic scraper.
Spray “RAPID REMOVER” on the remaining glue and let sit for one minute.
Scrape as much glue as possible (repeat the process).
Once the glue is removed, it is necessary to remove the “remover residue” using product such as “RAPID TAC”, especially if there is remover accumulated between the slats of roll-up doors.
Clean everything with soapy water and rinse well!