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Is your department still debating whether to upgrade your present apparatus to the new standards?

Please consider:

  • Increased visibility means increased SAFETY, especially when “worst-case” interventions take place: on roads with high speed traffic; at night; around bends; and above all, when the weather is poor.

  • You have already added strobes & maybe expensive flashing arrows. You deploy cones and road torches and you are still apprehensive of oncoming drivers??? Why? Because you KNOW they often don’t see you, sometimes for no other reason than being completely distracted.

  • Give drivers an “extra long-distance” warning by installing prismatic chevrons and reduce your chances of being hit!

  • “Unmarked” diamond checker plate is the least visible of any rear finish and is basically invisible to oncoming traffic.

  • Chevrons are the most cost-efficient method to significantly increase your visibility.

  • Do you say “I’ll put it in next years’ budget” without knowing the actual cost to your budget?

  • Ask Securitrim for a free quote, broken down by apparatus. Just send us rear photos and approximate dimensions. Volume rebates when you RETROFIT four or more apparatus!

  • It can cost as low as $300 for chevrons when retrofitting an apparatus.

  • Maybe you can “sneak in” a truck or two on the money you have leftover in this budget? Or maybe in the “mechanical” budget, or the “new safety feature” budget? You know how to swing things to at least get your first-response vehicle or your blocker safer with chevrons.


Which truck would you use for a blocker on the highway during a snow storm???


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